It's been a while, but we're back with another alledged cuckolding case. This time from Bleacher Report about Tony Hawk's escapades. A day after skater Tony Hawk announced that he planned on getting a divorce from his wife, Lhotse Merriam, there are new rumors that may shed some light on the end of his marriage. He’s divorcing his second wife, and he’s doing that, according to a source, because he’s having yet another affair. This time with a woman who is also married, to someone named Matt Goodman." Duden is reporting that Goodman is a very close friend of Hawk's, described as "lifelong friends and business partners." So close that even their kids are close to each other, according to Durden.
Matt gets 5 points on the cuckold scale for this.
If your wife has been fucking with another man, that can be pretty humiliating. If you or your wife happen to be famous or if, for whatever other reason, her fooling around has been picked up in the media, the whole world knows about your misfortune. This blog picks up stories in the regular media of famous men who have been cuckolded and famous women who have strayed. Some where not famous before she was getting strange dick, but since then the whole world knows!