Someone commented on my previous post to check out the story of first class slut Ameena Meer, a muslim woman, who cuckolded Andrew Douglas, director of the 2005 update of the white-knuckle horror film “The Amityville Horror,”. Maybe he should make a film called "The CuckoldVille Horror", judging from what we can read on the Fathers and Families website. In short, Andrew has sued his now ex-wife Ameena Meer for paternity fraud. "Meer’s daughter is now 17. Douglas and Meer had an off-again/on-again sexual relationship back in the late 80s and early 90s when Meer lived in the U.S. and Douglas in England. In 1992, she telephoned him, told him she was pregnant and that he was the father. She begged him to marry her to save her Muslim parents embarrassment at having a grandchild out of wedlock. He agreed. But recently, the young woman happened to inquire about his blood type and Douglas figured out that the chances of his being her father were remote. He got genetic testing done and the results were that there was a 0% chance that he was the girl’s father."
Pretty heavy stuff, if you ask me. And this gives Andrew a solid 8 on the cuckold scale.
If your wife has been fucking with another man, that can be pretty humiliating. If you or your wife happen to be famous or if, for whatever other reason, her fooling around has been picked up in the media, the whole world knows about your misfortune. This blog picks up stories in the regular media of famous men who have been cuckolded and famous women who have strayed. Some where not famous before she was getting strange dick, but since then the whole world knows!