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Sunday, 20 November 2011

Jeremy Clarkson, Top Cuck

A poster points to an article in The Telegraph about Jeremy Clarkson, the Top Gear presenter. In the article Jeremy Clarkson’s ex-wife, Alex Hall, says she still loves him despite the Top Gear presenter’s claims that she cheated on him after just six months of marriage. Clarkson said "In 1990, after six months of marriage, she admitted to a number of flings and left me for another man". Cucked in less than 6 months, that's quite an achievement. The story is more complicated than that but I suggest you read the article if you want to know more about it.
Anyways, Jeremy is no angel either, so I'll give just 5 on the cuckold scale. 


  1. Cuckolded TV show host.

  2. She's a philanderess, female philanderer.

  3. Kate Bosworth is a cheating whore23 November 2011 at 23:15

    I also learned that actress Kate Bosworth is cheating on her boyfriend, Alex Skarsgard, a Swedish actor from True Blood. Poor Alex Skarsgard. He's very good-looking but women are always cheating on him. She's nothing but a cheating dog, bitch, slut, whatever. She's cheated on all of her boyfriends, including Orlando Bloom, according to a source from Google. And Britney Spears' sister Jamie Lynn cheats on her baby daddy as well. She and her sister are both philandering tramps.

  4. True Blood Cuckold23 November 2011 at 23:24

    According to, Kate Bosworth is cheating on Alex Skarsgard.
