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Sunday, 11 December 2011

Walter Gropius's wife was groping an other man's cock to get pregnant

Yep, we're talking about the same Walter Gropius, who cuckolded the composer Gustav Mahler. After Mahler's death in 1911 his unfaithful wife did not go to her lover Gropius directly. No, first she had a tumultuous affair with the artist Kokoschka. With the coming of World War I, Kokoschka enlisted in the army, and Alma subsequently distanced herself from him and resumed contact with her former lover Gropius, who was also serving in combat at that time. She and Gropius married in 1915 during one of his military leaves. They had a daughter together, Manon Gropius. She became pregnant again and gave birth to a son, Martin Carl Johannes Gropius. Gropius at first believed that the child was his, but Alma's ongoing affair with Werfel was common knowledge in Vienna by this time, and she was soon exposed. Within a year, they agreed to a divorce. What a total slut. Being unfaithful in two marriages? Having a child from even a third man?
Anyways, this total slutiness earns Gropius a solid 8 on the cuckold scale.  


  1. He got even with his wife for cuckolding him and having her manstress's (male mistress) kid. Seems like it.

  2. This lady was not faithful to both of her husbands. But anyway, check out actress Kate Beckinsale. She's known to have several manstresses on the side.
