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Thursday, 24 January 2013

Kris Humphries's wife was humping Kanye West

OK, this is old news, but recent twitter adventures have sparked this one up again, so here goes: The Daily Caller reminds us of the Kim K. story by reporting that: 'Kris Humphries, aka “Cuckold Kardashian”, is not handling the news that Kanye West has knocked up his wife well at all.' Kris is telling anyone he meets that he controls the balance of power in upcoming divorce proceedings and that he won’t allow Kim to be divorced before Mini Kardashian is born.
I'm afraid Kris scores a 9 on the cuckold scale for Kim Kamasutra's exploits.


  1. If you're married to a woman who's two years older than you or more, chances are she's most likely to cheat on you with a man close to her age or older. It's easy to steal women from much younger men because they're inadequate.

  2. Every Kardashian girl cheats on her man because it started with their mom cheating on their dad.

  3. A married woman cheated on her husband and got killed by her lover instead.

    Talk about dangerous manstresses. These guys are monsters and will kill married women and their families.
